Individual Rehabilitation

One to one exercises and physiotherapy applications

The necessity of physiotherapy applications is determined with the help of physiotherapists. The patients are evaluated by physiotherapists in terms of physiotherapy applications and manual therapy applications and the physiotherapy program is determined. In accordance with the information in the treatment and follow-up files of the patient, the following physiotherapy evaluations are made appropriate for the diagnosis of the patient.

Shortness test
Muscle test
ROM measurement
Girth measurement
Posture analysis
Pain evaluation
Neurologic examination: -brunstromcategorization, - spasticity evaluation
Patient mobilization evaluation
Respiration evaluation
Lymphatic evaluation
As a result of the evaluations; method, frequency and duration of the treatment are determined by the doctors and physiotherapists and then patients are informed about the procedure for confirmation followed by programming the treatment. If the patient does not have urine and stool incontinence and if there is no risk of a contraindication that might arise from the contact with water, water exercises are also included to the treatment programme.
Treatment programme includes the following general physiotherapy-manual therapy practises with an accompanying physiotherapist
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Techniques
Stretching exercises
Mobiliziation and manipulation techniques
Taping (rigid, kinesiotaping)
Proprioceptive exercises
Progressive resistive exercisesAlong with one-to-one and water exercises, robotic treatments help to the conditions when a single treatment does not give adequate advantage to the patients by aiming a fast recovery.
Balance-coordination exercises
Manual skillexercises
Walking balance exercises
Steps education
Mobilization education
Daily life activities
Transfer education
Respiration exercises
Manual lymphatic drainage andbandaging
Pilates technics