Bucket Ear

Buccal ear deformity, a congenital problem, affects the psychology of patients from a young age. In school age, mocking by their friends; In adult ages, it is usually tried to hide by camouflaging with hair. Adult ladies can not make a bun before they gather their hair.

Bucket ears can be adjusted from 6-8 years old. Depending on the age and condition of the patient, it may be under local or general anesthesia. The buccal ear deformity is due to the distance from the base of the ear to the base of the head, or the inadequacy of the fold in the earbud, which can be seen together. Cartilaginous tissue is formed by insertion with the incision made from the back of the ear during the operation.

At the end of the operation, you will leave your hospital with a bandage wrapped around your head. After 3-4 days the bandage is reduced, it is necessary and sufficient to be supported by the hair band from the end of the 1st week. The swelling in the operative ear area completely heals within a few weeks. After this stage, you can easily collect your hair in such a way that your ears can be seen.