
In the past, there was no specific treatment for stroke patients.

However, in the first 4.5 hours of hospital admission, there is a clotting treatment option called bol thrombolysis bol for occlusive strokes. While this treatment has been used for heart disease for many years, it has been possible for the last 15 years in the world and in our country for the last 5 years, because the drug has been licensed for stroke. In order to be able to apply this treatment, stroke patients should be admitted to the hospital in the first hours. No later than 4.5. It is necessary to start treatment in one hour. For this reason, an ambulance should be called immediately when there is a suspicion of a stroke. When this treatment is performed correctly, evidence-based information shows that 30% more patients live independently after 3 months. In other words, one out of every 6-8 treated patients is independent after 3 months.

However, in the first 4.5 hours for obstructive storage, this treatment has the risk of bleeding complications, so patient selection is very important.