Migraine headache

Migraine is seen in 20% of women and 8% in men. Apart from the acute pain side effect of migraine with attacks, there are also chronic side effects such as falling school and work performance and social problems.

How is migraine treatment done?

Priority in the treatment of migraine; is the self-avoidance of triggering factors that stimulate migraine. Some of these factors; stress, excessive coffee consumption, smoking and alcohol use. In order to avoid any adverse effects on the treatment of migraine, the person should review the medicines he / she has used and discuss with the doctor if necessary. For example, the use of oral contraceptives increases migraine attacks in some patients.

Acupuncture in migraine treatment: It is the most commonly used alternative treatment method in Western countries. Acupuncture raises the pain threshold of patients, activates sedatives such as endorphins and serotonin in the body. Seratonin provides peace of mind, reduces anxiety and provides relief.

Another method used in the treatment of migraine is Botulinum toxin / Botox application. Botulinum toxin applications should be performed by experienced physicians. Some applications should be performed with electromyography (EMG). The effect of botulinum toxin is temporary. The effect starts within 1-2 weeks and continues for 2.5-3 months.

It is also possible to use drugs in the treatment of migraine. Medication; "prophylactic" to prevent migraine attacks, or "attack" treatment for relieving pain, nausea, and vomiting. Prophylactic treatment is often used in cases of severe episodes (more than 4 per month) and severe attacks that can lead to a change in the person's lifestyle. In most migraine patients, analgesics combined with painkillers or caffeine may be effective. In the treatment of migraine during the attack, resting the patient in a dark and quiet room together with the drug may facilitate the relieving of the pain.