Re-Sleeve Operation

The tube may have enlarged growth over the years in the stomach tube after stomach surgery. If the basement tube has undergone stomach surgery, it may be inadequate for the person to lose weight after surgery or may soon gain weight again. In both cases, if the shape and volume of the stomach tube is significantly larger than it should be while performing a second incision for the revision obesity surgeon, the procedure we call RE-SLEEVE is applied.

In this method, the dilated portion of the stomach tube is again adjusted over the spark plug and cut and removed with the stapler. When the re-sleeve procedure is performed, the stomach tissue may become stiffer than the stomach wall due to previous amelioration. For this reason, use tissue cartridges that are thicker than normal (such as a black color cartridge). Re-sleeve should be performed by experienced surgeons because the risk of stenosis and associated vomiting is very high.