
Vertigo is the feeling of feeling balance. If you have these dizzying spells, you can turn around or feel like the world around you is spinning.
Causes of Vertigo:
Vertigo is often caused by an inner ear problem. Some of the most common reasons are:
BPPV. These beginnings refer to benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. BPPV occurs when small calcium particles (canalites) are collected in the inner ear canals. The inner ear sends signals about the head and body movements to the brain according to gravity. It helps you maintain your balance.
BPPV may occur due to a known cause and may be associated with age.

In the treatment of BPPV, the displaced crystals are passed into the vesicles of the semicircular channels. This is possible by making some head and body movements.

Thanks to this very successful method, this disease is the easiest treatment of dizziness. Although this disease may recur sometimes, it can be easily re-treated by repeating the same maneuvers.