Breast Reduction

Women with large memories suffer from multiple discomfort due to the discomforts in their bodies as well as the quality of their daily lives. Back and shoulder pain are the most common problems. Due to the size of the breast, it is possible to see the pressurizing arm matches on the shoulders connected to the use of the large hanger bra. In the summer months, under-breast and nipple rashes disturb the patients very much. Also, the most common complaints are that the desired clothes can not be worn, the lower and upper body are differently formed, and the weight is higher than that of the person.

The big breast tissue can be shrunk by different surgical techniques. The aim here is to remove excess skin with excess breast and fat tissue and to form a beautiful breast form with the remaining tissues. The technique applied varies according to the amount of breast size. According to the evaluations made before the operation, it is decided which technique will be applied.

Many of the pre-operative complaints of patients after the breast reduction surgery are gone. Their back pain ends, they become more comfortable dressed. Besides its advantages, the most important disadvantages of this operation are the possibility of post-operative signs and breastfeeding. The marks vary according to the technique applied; around the nipple can be vertical or inverted T-shaped. As in all plastic surgery operations, in these surgeries, care is taken to keep the scars from being noticeable whenever possible, the tissues are treated gently, and fine stitch techniques are used. The marks are more evident in the first few months, and they turn purple over time.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. After the operation, a special bra fitted to the new size of the breast is put on the patient's room. You need to stay in the hospital for two days. Your memories are edgy and nervous in the first days. In the next days the edema is reduced and the breast regains its natural form. Most of the swelling is in the first month, but it takes 6-12 months to fully decompress. Although the stitch pattern looks pink in the first few months compared to the skin color, the color gradually fades and its clarity diminishes. Post-operative points of interest. your doctor will tell you in detail.