Intestinal Atresia

Clinic: Atrezide polyhydramnios is usually seen. Because polyhydramnios has relieved the uterine wall, the pregnant enters the risk group for premature birth. In screening tests (11-14 week test, triple test, quadruple test) from trisomy 21, risky results may occur. The baby is not fed orally after birth. Newborn is constantly vomiting. For this reason, the nasogastric tube and the baby should be discharged immediately after birth.

Prognosis: Prognosis depends on the presence of additional anomalies. The mortality rate of Newborn was reported roughly between 15% and 40% of the different study groups. Emergency surgery is necessary if the baby is in good general condition as soon as birth occurs in isolated atresia in which there are no additional anomalies. If there are no additional anomalies in good centers, the success of the surgeon can be 95%. Operative time and prognosis in atresia with additional anomalies depend on what the additional anomalies are and the general condition of the baby. For example, severe heart malformations or conditions such as respiratory insufficiency, fluid-electrolyte imbalance may prevent immediate surgery. It can also reduce the success of surgery.